April Update 2022

April has been one of the busiest months that we have experienced. We have been going 100 mph as we get closer to our departure. Here are some of the things that have occupied our time in April:

1) We worked for three straight weeks prepping our house to be put on the market. This involved us selling/giving away many things we have owned over the years. We got the house painted and worked on during this time, being sure to get our house in shape. We are now, as of today, living in an Airbnb out of a luggage bag. God has been faithful in this process and given us the strength to get through it. Now we are just counting down the days.

2) We went on our last youth retreat with the students we have been serving for the previous four years! This was a bittersweet moment for me, getting my last opportunity to teach and charge the students to a life worthy of Jesus.

3) We have almost spent every other night having meals with family, church family, and friends as we get ready to depart from America. What joy it has brought us to see people in such intentional ways.

4) And maybe the most obvious out of all this is still maintaining our family dynamics and finishing the jobs I have here well (Teaching at Bellaire and Adjuncting at HBU).

Though things have been full-on, it is worth the time and fellowship we have spent with you all. We are grateful to see the support from you all. We are blessed to see how God has used us to impact those around us for His glory. We are excited for what the Lord is preparing our hearts and spirits to do in Finland but sad to leave such strong communities that we are part of.

However, the reality is that we are an extension of you all. Our presence and ministry in Finland will represent the iron sharpening iron moments throughout these years with you all. What God has used each of you in our lives for will be put on display in a few months. This is ultimately what the church is for. To be Christ’s body here on earth to the ends of the world. We are to extend the presence of his body, through the church, to all nations, tribes, tongues, and people groups.

So, as we continue to get ready to do that, we want to thank you all for the support this month. To all who have begun supporting us spiritually and financially, thank you. We already see the Lord using your blessings to start the process of blessing others through this ministry. The students and volunteers are supportive and excited about our arrival. This process started with you all allowing the Lord to use you!

For those whom we haven’t met or connected with yet, let’s connect! Let’s get a dinner on the schedule in the next month. We want to spend time with you before our departure. We want to share what the Lord has in store for you and us! We want to unite, commune, and fellowship. Reach out to my wife or me so that we can set something up.

If you haven’t got the chance to read the last blog post, Our account is now open (yay) and set up with Tying Vines. We are grateful for this partnership and for them expediting our account to start receiving funds. This organization will serve us by providing an avenue for your support to reach us in Finland. If you are ready to start supporting us, you do that by clicking on the support button below.

As a final note and update, our last day at our church is June 19th. I want to invite all of you to come and be part of the sending-off process. This would mean so much to my family to see you all a final time before our departure. That is 57 days away, a little under two months. That time will fly by in a blink of an eye. We hope to see you there. If you would like more information about the location and time, please get in touch with me. I will officially release that information in the May blog post.

We look forward to spending time with you all in the next two months.

God bless.

Easter and April Photos