February Update 2022

2/22/22 :)

Hi family,

This last month or so has been busy for the Byrd family. God has been faithful to my family in providing direction as we prepare to leave the country. We have found ourselves occupied with getting our house ready for sale, aligning residency for me, and getting our hearts prepared for the process. We have blessed family and friends with things from our home that we will not take to Finland. We are inching closer to completing our checklist to make our move smooth. Thank you all for all the support you have provided lately. We are grateful to each of you.

In terms of updates, there are a few things we wanted to make you aware of. We are about two and a half weeks away from going to Finland for spring break. I am excited about this trip. We want to invite you to pray over this week with us. Below, you will find the schedule of the week:

Byrd Visit: March 12-21

Sat 12: Arrival

Sun 13: UCC: Brad Preaching/ Byrd’s introduced

Mon 14:

- Possible Day trip to Tampere to Visit OM Finland

- Dinner at the Rossi’s

Tue 15:

- Pastor’s prayer meeting

- UCC Staff Meeting, Gabe and Brad sharing

- Lunch with UCC Staff

- Evening: Trip to Heinola to visit with Mikko Sivonen

Wed 16:

- Brad departure

- Gabe Night With Family.

Thurs 17:

- Agricola Seminary Gabe attending classes

- UCC Elders dinner at Rossi’s

Fri 18: Youth Meeting

- Youth meeting, Gabe Sharing

- Q & A with parents

Sat 19:

- Open for now.

Sun 20: UCC: UCC: Gabe sharing Q & A with the congregation

- Espoo

- Special elders meeting

- Helsinki

Mon 21: Departure Day

As you can see, the schedule is packed ha-ha. We hope that you will join us daily for this week to pray over a few specific things:

1. Pray for the Spirit to move in hearts to confirm and excite our Finnish brothers and sisters.

2. Pray for energy throughout the week.

3. Pray for the teaching opportunities (Brad 3/13 and Gabe 3/18, 3/20)

4. Pray for great connections with the church, staff, youth, and family.

5. Pray for safe travels.

6. Pray that the Lord will continue to provide people to partner with us.

7. Fast/Prayer: Gabe's residence permit would be accepted soon!

Thank you for considering and praying with us. We could not do this without you all. Our OM account should be created after this trip as a final update. This will then allow our partners to begin to support us. I will update you once this is process is complete. We know that the Lord is faithful to use us as His vessels to further his kingdom to the end of the earth. We pray that you would consider joining us in bringing the Gospel to this region of the world. We want to be a blessing to you all by being a blessing to others.

God bless