What God is Doing

I was on a plane back to Houston from New York as I wrote this. I just finished submitting my paperwork for residency in Finland. The is a meaningful step in our process that will enable me to have legal residence in Finland. This allows me to have a social number, health insurance, and the ability to work. Just yesterday, I got to speak with Shaun (the pastor of UCC) about what the Spring semester will look like in preparation for our move. I thought it might be essential to share these things with you to pray over them and share them in the process. There are two important things I want to share in this blog.

The first significant part of what God is doing to prepare us for this move is meeting many people. For January, I will have weekly zoom calls with essential people in the church to solidify some details and put names on faces. I will meet with Operation Mobilization (OM) Finland director the first week. This meeting gathers more information about how our account will work to convey it to support us. The second meeting will be with the elders of the church. The third meeting will be with those serving with the youth at the church. Lastly, I will meet with the administration workers in the church.

The last major part of what God is doing is the Spring Break trip. Noah (my firstborn) and I will travel to Finland to complete the official part of this missionary journey for spring break. During this time, we will meet with the various leaders of the church. I brainstormed and cast a vision for what it looks like to bring about faith and obedience to Christ in the youth of Finland. This is the heartbeat of the call to missions. We want to see disciples in Finland who make disciples of Jesus. This is a great meeting that you all can be praying for. I will spend quality time with the volunteers and build those relationships. Another part of the agenda trip with the church’s elders was another pairing. This is an opportunity to pray for God’s will to be done, spend quality time with the church’s leaders, and unite to see the glory of God magnified in Finland. I am excited about this trip and will share more details when the time comes, God willing.

As you can see, there are some big things in store for the first couple of months of this new year. We are grateful and humbled to be doing these things and excited to see what God has in store. I want to keep you all updated as we are the body of Christ. We are united in all of this through redemption in Christ. I urge you all to continue to pray for us. We need it. We want to move when God moves and do what he calls us courageously.

We are grateful to our family, friends, and the church. We are part of an incredible, intentional, God-seeking, God-honoring body that wants nothing more than our creator to be glorified. It is in the DNA of Christ Community Church, and we are grateful to be members of such a church. We have experienced community in so many ways—our Community Group, Youth Group, Accountability Group, Friends, etc. We are grateful for the shepherding that happens here and pray that more would come to experience what God is doing at this church.