March Update 2022

Spring Break Trip

Hi everyone,

This update is to share a bit of our Spring Break trip to Finland. We were in Finland for ten days to conduct official interviews and meet with people at the church. The week was busy but fulfilling and an answer to prayer. We are grateful that we had the opportunity to connect with everyone at United Community Church, and we are more than excited to go back and partner alongside this church.

The week's schedule was played out in the "February Update" post. I will highlight some essential things from the week. The first important thing was the seminary interview. As mentioned before, I will be joining Agricola Theological Institute in August to get my Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S) degree. That interview went well, and I was formally accepted into the program. This is an exciting opportunity to grow deeper into Theology and the culture of Finland. I got the chance to sit in two classes during my stay. It was great to see the class structure and meet the professors. It furthermore grew my confidence in this decision and my excitement to join the cohort in August.

The next highlight was getting our account set up for receiving financial support. Unfortunately, the original plan didn't work out. Though the Operation Mobilization account didn't work out, God had provided an alternate organization that we could partner with. Our account is now open (yay) and set up with Tying Vines. We are grateful for this partnership and for them expediting our history to start receiving funds. This organization will serve us by providing an avenue for your support to reach us in Finland. More information can be found about Tying Vines by clicking on the hyperlink.

The last thing I want to highlight is the teaching opportunities I got to participate in. Friday of last week, I spent time with the youth at the church. This is the sole reason for us becoming missionaries, to serve the youth in Finland and bring about the obedience of faith for the glory of God. It was great to spend such quality time with them. We got to play games together, I taught a lesson, we had some small group time, and then we enjoyed pizza together. It served as an opportunity for me to get to know the students and them likewise. Meeting them confirmed that this was the next step for my family and me. We understand that this is what the Lord wants, and he continues to make it clear.

I also got to teach at both services on Sunday. This allowed me to train on God having expectations for youth in our world today. I also cast a vision for the youth group's purpose (you can find the video of the sermon below). After the first service, Q and A were from the church family and elders. Immediately after Q and A, the elders went to vote for me coming on staff. The decision was unanimous and confirmed; I will be the Youth Pastor of UCC church.

So, there is significant momentum and confirmations throughout our visit. We are grateful for every family we met and connected with. We yearn to be back there quickly to begin equipping the youth for God's glory. We are thankful for God's provision and safe travel throughout this time. Below you can find some pictures of our time there. Thank you for taking the time to read this update. If you are interested in supporting us, please click on the button below to learn more about how you can do that. God bless!

If you just want to see the sermon, forward to 41:28